The aim of this unit is to help learners gain understanding of sociological concepts and theirapplication to policy making and care practice in health and social care.
Learning Outcomes
LO1 Understand the contemporary nature of society
1.1 explain how political, social and economic constructscan be used to categorise society
1.2 review current trends in societal change, including howthese might shape social expectations
1.3 discuss the influence of cultural values and beliefs insociety
1.4 evaluate the implications of societal change for thehealth and social care sector
LO2 Understand how social inequalities influence the life chances and health status of individuals
2.1 use data to explain inequalities which exist in health andsocial care
2.2 analyse social inequalities from a sociological perspective
2.3 analyse how inequalities which exist in health and socialcare can impact on an individual’s health status and lifechances
LO3 Understand sociological concepts and theory in relation to contemporary social and health issues
3.1 apply sociological concepts and theory to definitions ofhealth and wellbeing
3.2 use data to explain how social and health issues aresocially constructed
3.3 explain the possible implications of social and healthissues for health and social care service providers
3.4 analyse social and health issues in terms of their impacton the health and wellbeing of individuals in society.