Evaluating Feedback Information and Recommending

Post New Homework

Evaluating Feedback Information and Recommending Improvements in the Workplace

1. Promote the value of making improvements from feedback and encourage the collection of feedback.

1.3 Explain ways of promoting the value of making improvements from feedback received from information sources.

1.4 Explain methods that can encourage the collection of feedback from information sources.

1.5 Give reasons why the collection of feedback from information sources should be encouraged.

2. Ensure feedback information from relevant methods or sources is obtained, investigated and assessed.

2.3 Explain ways that ensures that feedback from information sources is obtained using various methods and other sources.

2.4 Explain methods that allows for the investigation and assessing of feedback from information sources using various methods and other sources.

2.5 Give reasons why feedback from information sources needs to be investigated and assessed.

3. Recommend improvements from feedback received and justify the recommendations to relevant people.

3.3 Explain ways that recommendations for improvements can be made from feedback received.

3.4 Explain how recommendations for improvements from feedback can be justified to decision-makers.

3.5 Give reasons why recommendations for improvements from feedback should be made and justified to decision-makers.

4. Summarise changes and improvements from feedback which have been agreed and promote them for adoption and use.

4.3 Explain methods that can allow the summary of changes and improvements made from feedback received.

4.4 Describe how the adoption of changes and improvements from feedback can be promoted.

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