Evaluate the opportunities for advancing an idea so that it

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Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

Learning outcome 1: Evaluate the opportunities for advancing an idea so that it meets a market gap or requirement and allows the enterprise to grow into a growth sustainable business proposition

Learning outcome 2: Analyse the skills and resources required for developing a business, including finance and people

Learning outcome 3: Plan the development of a business and pitch the proposition to potential investors and/or interested stakeholders.

Growth Sustainable Business Plan

Assignment task

In Coursework 1 your task, as an individual, is to develop a comprehensive business plan for the sustainable food retail business proposal presented in PR1. This business plan should encompass the following essential components:

Proposed Future Business: Provide a clear and detailed description of your sustainable food retail business, outlining its core features, functionality, and any innovative aspects that set it apart. Discuss potential intellectual property rights (IPR) that might be necessary to safeguard your business concept within [Insert Country/Region e.g. Sri Lanka/UAE].

Customers: Identify and define your target customer base, specifying whether your business operates within a business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C) market. Elaborate on the end-users and articulate why they would be inclined to purchase your sustainable food products. Highlight your unique selling proposition (USP) and substantiate it with market research, while assessing your business's competitive position in the market.

Competitors: Identify and analyse your primary competitors within [Insert Country/Region e.g. Sri Lanka/UAE] market for sustainable food retail. Evaluate their market share and the level of competition they present. Articulate the reasons why customers might opt for your products and services over those of your competitors.

Skills Analysis: Conduct an assessment of your existing skills and competencies required for the establishment and advancement of your sustainable food business idea. Identify any gaps in skills and provide a plan for addressing these deficiencies.

Projected Financials: Prepare a two-year profit and loss account and cash flow forecasts for your business. Include a break-even analysis. These financial projections should provide insights into your expected revenue, expenses, and profitability over the specified period.

Funding Sources: Identify and evaluate potential sources of funding accessible within [Insert Country/Region e.g. Sri Lanka/UAE] to facilitate the growth of your sustainable food business. Discuss how you plan to secure funding and explain why your chosen sources are suitable.

Resource Acquisition: Outline your plans for obtaining the necessary tangible and intangible resources to support your business. This should include a breakdown of start-up costs and details on how you will acquire and manage these resources.
Organisation and Management Information Systems: Define the type of organisation you envision for your business and discuss the management information systems required to effectively control and monitor its operations.

Vision for Your Business: Present your vision for the future of your sustainable food business, including long-term goals and aspirations.

Your business growth plan should be approximately 1500 words, with a 10% margin above or below the word limit. The word count should exclude the executive summary, conclusion, introduction, references, and appendices.

When conducting research, utilise a wide range of resources, including peer-reviewed academic journals, books, and academic databases such as Mintel, EBSCOhost, and ProQuest. Follow the formatting guidelines, using Arial font size 11 with 1.5 line spacing. Remember to include page numbers at the bottom of each page, and ensure your cover sheet includes your student ID, name, and word count.

Presentation of a Sustainable Business Plan

Assignment task

Important Note: All presentations delivered in class must be recorded for the purposes of internal moderation and external examination. Lecturers are responsible for recording their students' presentations and making the recordings available to the internal moderator and external examiner.

For PR1, you will be tasked with developing a sustainable business plan in the form of an annotated PowerPoint presentation for a sustainable food retail business. You will be working individually and your objective is to create a compelling PowerPoint presentation that effectively presents your business proposition to a panel of business experts from [Insert Country/Region e.g. Sri Lanka/UAE]. These experts will evaluate the feasibility of your business idea by posing relevant questions regarding your plan.

Your PowerPoint presentation should cover the following aspects:

Explain the reasons behind your selection of the specific business idea and why it aligns with sustainability principles in the context of [Insert Country/Region e.g. Sri Lanka/UAE].

Describe the process you went through to generate your business idea. Include any research, brainstorming, or inspiration that influenced your decision.

Discuss the feasibility studies you conducted to assess the viability of your business idea. Explain the methods used and the key findings that support the feasibility of your plan.

Provide detailed information about the sustainable food products your business will offer. Explain their unique features, benefits, and how they align with sustainability goals in [Insert Country/Region e.g. Sri Lanka/UAE].

Identify potential market opportunities for your sustainable food business in [Insert Country/Region
e.g. Sri Lanka/UAE]. Discuss the target audience, market size, competition, and any market trends or opportunities you have identified.

Analyse the attractiveness of the food industry in [Insert Country/Region e.g. Sri Lanka/UAE] and how your sustainable business fits within it. Consider factors such as market growth, profitability, sustainability trends, and potential challenges.

Present a compelling vision for your sustainable food business, including long-term goals, social or environmental impact, and how you plan to achieve sustainability in your operations while catering to the [Insert Country/Region e.g. Sri Lanka/UAE] market.

Requirements and Resources:
Create a PowerPoint presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint software.
Your PowerPoint presentation should not exceed 8 minutes.
Use a wide range of resources, including peer-reviewed academic journals, books, and academic databases such as Mintel, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, etc.
Properly cite all the sources used within your PowerPoint presentation using Harvard style.

PowerPoint presentation Requirements:

Visual Design: Pay attention to the visual design of your PowerPoint presentation. Choose appropriate fonts, colours, and layouts that enhance readability and maintain a professional look.

Transitions: Ensure smooth transitions between sections of your PowerPoint presentation.

Duration and Timing: Consider the overall duration of your PowerPoint presentation (8 minutes maximum). Keep the content concise and engaging, avoiding excessive length. Additionally, manage the timing of each section to maintain a smooth and well-paced presentation.

Visual Aids: Use visuals, charts, graphs, or images to support your content and enhance understanding. Make sure they are clear, properly labelled, and visually appealing.

Accessibility: Consider providing textual descriptions or transcripts for your PPT presentation to ensure accessibility for individuals with visual or hearing impairments. This will enhance inclusivity and enable all participants to access and understand the content effectively.

Cover Slide: Begin your PowerPoint presentation with a cover slide that displays essential information such as the title, your name, student ID, and any other details.


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