EAC4026-N Smart Power Distribution - Teesside University
This assessment takes the form of a report based on an analysis of the effect on the power distribution network of adding renewables to a new housing estate. You will be expected to perform independent research in addition to the load flow analysis by software.
Structure of the Report
The report should adhere to the following guidance:
• The report should have a title page and a contents page, and each page should be numbered.
• Aside from the title and contents pages, the report should be a maximum of 20 pages (2000 words or equivalent) long including equations, figures, illustrations and tables. An abstract should be included together with your findings as a conclusion.
• Reports exceeding this page limit will face a penalty of a 20% deduction in the achieved marks.
• One additional page may be used to list references - which should follow the Harvard standard.
• Figures and tables should be numbered and should have a caption describing the figure/table. The caption should also indicate the primary feature that should be observed by viewing the figure/table. Figures should also be neat and of a readable size. (Note screen dumps showing power flow analysis outputs are difficult to read use the snipping tool). Tabulating results for comparison add value to the analysis.
• Brevity is commendable. Appendices should be used for additional information such as extracts from data sheets. It is important that the report be readable and understandable without reference to the appendices
If any parts of the exercise are unclear, please ask the module team for clarification.
Design and Analysis of Medium Voltage Distribution Networks Incorporating High Level of Embedded Generation
The report needs to analyse the effects of a significant level of embedded generation on the performance of MV distribution network; mainly voltage profile, and reverse power flow in the network.
• A computer model of a typical distribution network using IPSA+ software package should be developed and should be used as the basis for performance evaluation.
• The network model developed should include models of embedded generators connected to the low voltage side of the distribution network.
• The model should be developed in order to study the effects of embedded generation on the steady-state performance of the distribution network stated above; that is voltage profile, meeting thermal limits and reverse power flow.
• It should compare the power flow both with and without the embedded generation at maximum and minimum domestic load level.
• The results of the modelling should be analysed and recommendations made to alter the design if necessary,
• Allow the developer to give the necessary power requirements to the DNO.
LV Network Modelling
To analyse the impacts of SSEG on the MV network, a distribution network model needs to be developed using IPSA software package. This network model should include the distribution network from the primary voltage level (33 kV) down to the 0.4 kV level. The model should allow simulation of 3-phase operation and different sizes of loads and SSEGs. Standard load tool is fine; use the Universal machine for the SSEG components.
The distribution system to be considered in this assignment is described below. Existing system
• It comprises a 33 kV three-phase source representing the grid supply ensuring the constant (slack bus) voltage of 1.0 per unit.
• The 33/11 kV substation comprises two 16 MVA, 33/11 kV delta star transformers equipped with on-load tap changers. The substation has six 11 kV outgoing feeders, each with a load of 4 MW, 0.9 power factor. These feeders together with their connected loads are modelled as a lumped load connected to the main 11 kV busbar.
• One extra 11 kV outgoing feeder connects to a local 11kV bus by a 4 km of overhead line (185 mm2 3-core XLPE Cu cable). This local bus connects to four Low Voltage (LV) 11/0.4 kV substations that each supply 500 houses.
Additional load for new houses
• A fifth feeder is to be added to the local bus to supply 500 new homes.
• You can assume the new feeder and loads to be added are identical to the existing ones.
• The new feeder is 2 km long, of 95 mm2 3-core XLPE Cu cable with the LV transformer at the end.
• Each LV substation supplies 500 customers at 400 V.
• The new homes are each fitted with a PV system, rated at 4 kW
• The loads are assumed to be equally distributed in three phases.
Assignment Requirements
a) To construct, using IPSA+ software, the network described and analyse the power flow. Describe the power flow. Check the steady state power quality for breaches to statutory regulations. Repeat for each scenario. Make recommendations for changes to the design to meet regulations if necessary.
b) To write a report (a text maximum of 2000 words, excluding diagrams, contents, references etc.) to include theoretical background, details of the simulation conducted, results obtained, critical discussion and conclusions. High standards of presentation are required. It is expected that the quality of the network model can be assessed by attaching it as an appendix to the report. Untidy or disorganized reports will be penalised. While you may work on the network model with others, the report must be your own work; you must not copy from others. Also, any reference material you use must be acknowledged.
Attachment:- Smart Power Distribution.rar