Different types of construction information in order to

Post New Homework

Unit 6 Construction Information, Higher National Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment

Assignment Title - Interpret different types of construction information in order to explain a construction project and assess ways in which construction professionals collaborate in the production of constructioninformation.

Learning Outcome 1: Interpret different types of construction information in order to explain a construction project.
Learning Outcome 2: Assess ways in which construction professionals collaborate in the production of construction information.

Assignment Brief: One of your colleagues, in a medium-sized general contracting firm, has produced a set of construction information documents for a small industrial building. Before issuing this information to the construction team, your employer has asked that you review the information to ensure that it is fit-for-purpose. In particular, your employer asks you to:
• coordinate the drawings with the schedules, specifications and bill of quantities.
• identify any information clashes.
• highlight areas where there may be missing or incorrect information provided.

You are then tasked with making corrections to the construction information, ensuring that copies of the originals and your recommended changes are recorded.

Finally, you are asked to prepare a short report on the construction information package that you have reviewed. You will discuss your findings with the original author of this work, as part of both of your continuing professional development.

• Work submitted for assessment MUST be accompanied by the complete assignment brief and assignment form with all parts completed and submitted via Turnitin.
• Work will be marked and returned as soon as possible - normally within four weeks.
• Where a Pass grading criterion has not been fully achieved on first submission, re-submissions to gain that criterion will be permitted provided:
- The initial submission was made on time.
- The initial submission was a reasonable attempt at the task.
- The grading criterion is not concerned with time management.

Post New Homework

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