Developing own knowledge and practice in a care setting
This unit is about identifying own role in relation to employer requirements and developing own practice as a health/care worker.
Outcome 1 Identify own role in relation to caring
1.1 state the requirements for being a care worker
1.2 describe own role and responsibilities in the workplace
1.3 explain how to ensure the rights of others are respected during training activities
1.4 explain why it is important for care workers to keep up-to-date with changes and continue learning.
Outcome 2 Identify own learning and development goals
2.1 identify own training needs
2.2 identify own learning style
2.3 identify the people who support personal and professional development.
Outcome 3 Agree a personal development plan
3.1 explain how to access relevant training
3.2 explain the different ways of developing own skills
3.3 identify people who can help them to develop their skills.
Outcome 4 Review own progress towards learning and development goals
4.1 explain the reasons for having support in the care setting
4.2 review own practice and development
4.3 describe how new knowledge and skills can be used in a care setting.
This assignment comprises two tasks. Both tasks must be successfully completed to pass this unit.
Task A
This task takes place over a period of time.
At the beginning of the programme:
1 Identify your own learning style.
2 Produce a personal development plan for your own learning (you may use the table provided on the following page). This should include:
• what your learning goals are
• what skills or knowledge you want to develop
• how you can do this (referring to your own learning style)
• who will help you?
• how you can put these skills into practice in a way that does not have a negative effect on the rights of individuals?
At the beginning of the programme:
Personal Development Plan
What skills do you want to develop?
How can you do this?
Who will help?
How can you practise these skills sensitively?
At the mid point of the programme:
3 Revise your personal development plan
This should include:
• have you achieved your goals
• how helpful was any training or guidance you received?
• how have you been able to use new skills or knowledge?
• what are your new or updated goals?
• how can you do this (referring to your own learning style)?
• who will help you?
• how can you put these skills into practice in a way that does not have a negative effect on the rights of individuals?
At the end of the programme:
4 Revise your personal development plan again.
This should include:
Have you achieved your goals?
• how helpful was any training or guidance you received?
• how have you been able to use your new skills or knowledge?
• what are you new goals?
• how you can do this (referring to your own learning style)?
• who will help you?
• how you put these skills into practice in a way that does not have a negative effect on the rights of individuals?
At the mid point and end point:
Personal Development Plan
Have you achieved your goals?
How helpful was the training/guidance you had?
How have you been able to use the skills/knowledge?
Task B
Imagine you have a friend who wants to apply for a job in care.
Write a letter to your friend:
a describe your work setting.
b identify the responsibilities of a care worker in your workplace.
c give a short description of the skills and training required to work in care.
d explain the reasons why supervision and support are an important part of care work.
e identify the arrangements in for training and developing a care worker’s skills.