HURM08001 Organisational Behaviour
Group Report
The written group assessment consists of a 2,500 (+/-10%) word report, demonstrating an understanding of key organisational behaviour theories applied to a practical context. This assessment is worth 60% of the overall module assessment and must be submitted through Turnitin. See Appendix on for marking criteria
This is a group assessment, and you will need to form a group of 4-6 students. You will work together to complete this management report.
First select one of the following organisations:
- Nike
- Volkswagen
- Starbucks
- Morrisons
- Oxfam
- NHS Scotland
Your task is to explain the organisational context of your chosen organisation. You should consider how teams/groups are currently used within the organisation; and assess the advantages and disadvantages of the current approach in the given context. Consider key aspects which explain the success of failure of groups/teams in the selected context. This should be supported by relevant literature on groups/teams. Consider the following aspects of organisational behaviour:
• Strategy and structures,
• Communication and conflict,
• Organisational culture,
• Leadership.
You should make recommendations on how the use of those groups/teams can be improved in that organisation and justify these.
Reflective ESSAY
For the individual assessment component students will complete a 750 word (+/- 10%) reflective ESSAY using an experience of working in a group, preferably the group assessment for this module, as the basis for reflection. This component is worth 40% of the overall module assessment and must be submitted through Turnitin.
Students must consult the document ‘Guide to Self-Reflection' provided below and roughly follow the outline set out in the student feedback form. To complete this assessment students will:
- To demonstrate knowledge of the key theories on learning and reflection and apply one model to guide the reflective work
- To reflect on the experience of writing the group assessment for this module, according to the selected module of reflective practice and assessing three key behaviours identified in the CIPD professional map. [if you did not complete the group assessment from the outset use a different experience of working with a group for your reflection]
- Include a brief commentary as to how at least one specific key aspect of individual behaviour from the OB module content impacts on the experience.
- Outline a plan of action for future development/personal growth based on the learning from the reflection.