Masters Internship
Instructions on Assessment:
For this assessment you are required to demonstrate in reflective portfolio (4000-words) your development from the perspective of gaining particular skills relating to employability and being employment prepared, engagement in further self-development from the perspective of employment potentially in a new or international context and further demonstration of cultural and ethical awareness through broader experience of working in a cultural diverse groups and teams via this internship opportunity. This will be achieved through the completion of the following tasks:
1- Finding an internship:This is worth 10% of overall marks - approx 500 words.
In this task explain how you secured your internship.
Areas which can be covered include:
• How you decided on what internship to accept.
• What locations did you consider.
• Types of companies you applied to.
• How proactive you were in the application process.
• Reflection on the assessment activities.
2- Progress Report & Relationships with company employees and what you have done to integrate positively:
In this task explain what you have done to date. You should specifically report on your progress so far and should cover what you have experienced during your internship, and how these experiences have helped your development. In this task you have to show a reflection on a wide range of internship activities, supported by examples.
Areas which can be covered include:
• Student's work responsibilities
• Activities the student is involved in
• Initiative and creativity
• Problems encountered (and how these were overcome)
• Where the student fits in with the team/section
• Time Management
• Handling supervisor's comments and development skills
3- Personal Competency Development: This is worth 50% of overall marks - approx 2000 words.
This task brings together the main themes of the module and requires you to build a portfolio from the perspective of additional skills development, engagement in further self-development from the perspective of a broader work-based context and further demonstration of cultural and ethical awareness through the additional experiences gained by working in cultural diverse groups and teams but in an employment context.
Areas which can be covered include:
• Skills gained through working through the internship, demonstrate and critically evaluate the ability to work in culturally diverse groups and teams and by doing so, making a personal contribution to team effectiveness.
• A critical appreciation of your personal strengths and weaknesses and an ability to engage in the process of continuous self-development in the context of working on internship potentially in a new location.
• The development of your inter-personal and intra-personal skills through a broader work-based engagement.
• A reflection on a wide range of internship activities supported by examples on your involvements on: Decision Making, Problem Solving, Communications & Influencing, Collaborating, Innovation & Proactivity.
4- Reflection of Learning and Development: This is worth 20% of overall marks - approx 1000 words.
You will have worked on some of these tasks over your internship of the semester and the portfolio is your opportunity to bring this work together in a professional manner and reflect upon the relevance of these activities. Summarise how you have reflected on your learning and development whilst on internship. Demonstrate awareness of your personal strengths and weaknesses and the ability to engage in continuing self-development.
5- Presentation of Portfolio: This is worth 10% of overall marks
The final 10% of marks will be awarded for the presentation and structure of your assignment and the accurate referencing of your sources. You will need to show the use of appropriate report layout and formatting, academic citations, examples and a reference list.