Defence against Disease-BN018467–Specification– Edexcel

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Defence against Disease

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit a learner should:

1 Understand how the body is protected from the external environment

2 Understand non-specific resistance to infection

3 Understand specific resistance to infection.

P1 explain how the body is protected from the external environment

P2 describe mechanical and chemical barriers to infection and non-specific defensive responses

P3 describe the role of the lymphocytes in cellular immunity

P4 describe the role of the lymphocytes in humoral immunity

P5 use two examples each to explain active and passive artificially acquired immunity

P6 describe a vaccination programme.

M1 explain mechanical and chemical barriers to infection and non-specific defensive responses

M2 explain the development of natural specific resistance to infection

M3 explain the potential role of the vaccination programme in public health.

D1 evaluate the relative roles of the nonspecific and specific defensive responses

D2 analyse the potential role of the vaccination programme in public health.

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