D/601/7353-Promote Active Support-Compare the

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Promote Active Support

Learning outcomes

1 Understand how active support translates values into personcentred practical action with an individual

1.1 Compare the characteristics associated with active support and the hotel model in relation to an individual’s support

1.2 Identify practical changes that could be made within a service setting to:

Promote an individual’s independence

Support informed choices

Improve quality of life

2 Be able to interact positively with individuals to promote participation

2.1 Assess the levels of help an individual would need to participate in a range of new activities

2.2 Use task analysis to break a range of new activities into manageable steps for an individual

2.3 Evaluate different ways of positively reinforcing an individual’s participation in a range of new activities

2.4 Demonstrate positive interaction with an individual to promote successful participation in a range of new activities

3 Be able to develop and implement person-centred daily plans to promote participation

3.1 Develop daily plans with the individual and others to ensure that a valued range of activities for an individual are available throughout the day, avoiding lengthy periods of disengagement

3.2 Support the implementation of daily plans that promote an individual’s participation in a range of activities

3.3 Review and revise an individual’s daily plan with the individual and others to increase the opportunities for participation

4 Be able to use person-centred records to evaluate an individual’s participation in activities

4.1 Develop a person-centred record to monitor an individual’s participation in activities

4.2 Review an individual’s participation in activities to assess changes over time

4.3 Evaluate the extent to which an individual’s participation over time represents the balance of activity associated with a valued lifestyle

4.4 Explain the changes required to improve the quality of an individual’ s participation to promote independence, informed choice and a valued life

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