D/601/0676-Assist with The Transfer of Individuals, who

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Assist with The Transfer of Individuals, who Misuse Substances, Between Agencies and Services

Learning outcomes

1 Understand how legislation and organisational policies impact on the transfer of individuals between agencies and services

1.1 List legislation that impacts on arrangements for referring or transferring individuals between services

1.2 Identify how organisational policies influence transfer arrangements

2 Apply agency and service procedures correctly in preparing people for and supervising them during transfer from one service to another

2.1 Obtain and utilise the necessary information about transfer arrangements

2.2 Describe what information should be provided to meet the needs of individuals and others

2.3 Prepare an individual for transfer in accordance with agency and service procedures

2.4 Describe the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the transfer

2.5 Identify the agency’s requirements for support and monitoring of individuals

2.6 Complete accurate records, store them as required and in accordance with confidentiality policies

2.7 Plan arrangements necessary in order to monitor and review the individual’s adjustment to change

3 Respect the rights of the individual and value diversity

3.1 Identify the support and assistance which individuals will need to help them make the transfer

3.2 Show how an individual’s culture and gender influence practice in preparing them for and supervising transfer arrangements

3.3 Demonstrate how principles of equality, diversity and antidiscriminatory practice have been considered and applied in the course of a transfer

3.4 Demonstrate how individuals and relevant people can be encouraged to seek information and express their views during the process of preparing for a transfer

4 Use communication skills effectively in working with individuals and the agencies and services to which they are being transferred

4.1 Explain the arrangements and reasons for a transfer clearly to individuals and others who may be involved

4.2 Provide clear and accurate information about the support that will be provided and how people should seek further support should they need it

4.3 Demonstrate how to provide support to individuals including situations where they may be distressed, anxious or angry

4.4 Identify any disagreements that arise and negotiate with those involved

4.5 Demonstrate how communication should be adapted to meet the needs of individuals and the requirements of different agencies

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