Assignment name: Managing A Successful Business Project
Module number and title: D/508/0491 Unit 6 Managing a successful business project
Nescot College, UK
Assignment Brief and Guidance - Level 4 Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project
British organisations chosen by the tutor for this unit are: John Lewis, Jaguar, BBC, Barclays Bank and British Telecoms.
You work for a consulting firm who has recently been hired by one of the above organisations to conduct a research on globalisation, using the theme: "What are the positive economic, cultural, and ethical impacts of globalisation on different business functions within an organisation".
Your manager has assigned this project to you, and you have been asked to conduct research on the above theme on different business functions, e.g. operations, marketing, HR and accounting, and present a formal report. Your report should reflect positive economic growth, cultural influences and ethical impacts of globalisation on your selected organisation in Activity 2 and Activity 3.
You are required to provide background information on your selected company and collect data from the stakeholders, which can be in a form of interview, survey, focus group, observations etc.
This report will be presented by the Chairman at the Global Business conference in 2019, where the organisers aim to consolidate these impacts for publication in a Business journal article.
You will need to provide a bibliography showing all references used for this assignment.
Activity 1 -
For the initial part of the project, your manager has instructed that you start with a project management plan which includes the following:
Establish the aim of the project and outline its objectives, include all aspects of cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources (P2) and timeframes using work plans and Gantt charts. You should aim to show all milestones for monitoring and completing the aims and objectives of the project.
Activity 2 -
The Chairman has agreed with your project management plan. The Chairman would like you to conduct a small-scale research by gathering information and data to support the project. You will also need to analyse the collected data to reach meaningful conclusions, and your evidence should be produced in a report format with appendices that show all collected research and data.
You are therefore required to:
Conduct the research using different research methods (P4) and evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the different research methods used by identifying what worked and what did not (M2).
Furthermore, you should:
Critically evaluate the project management process and the appropriate research methodologies applied and analyse the findings by making evidenced based recommendations through evaluation of the appropriateness of the tools and techniques used, for accuracy and authenticity.
Activity 1 and Activity 2 MUST be accompanied by a completed project logbook (a chronological record of ideas, changes, and developments as you progress and complete the project). You should save this template in Word so that you can add to it while completing the project.
The logbook should include:
a) A record of what you did, when and what you were thinking.
b) A record of where things went wrong and what you did to overcome any unexpected results.
Activity 3 -
The Chairman was extremely pleased with your research work and he is now considering taking you with him to the global conference, and has requested that you complete a performance review that addresses the following:
A reflection and evaluation of the value of undertaking the research, the value of the project management process and the use of quality research to meet stated objectives and support self-development and a critical evaluation and reflection on the project outcomes, the decision-making process and changes or developments of the initial project management plan to support justification of recommendations and learning during the project.
You will need to copy the template on page 9 into Word and complete this; the expectation is that this is only a guideline and there may be other things you wish to add the template only provides prompts.
Performance Review -
- What was the project supposed to accomplish?
- Did the project succeed in its aims? How do you know? Specifically, please outline any evaluation and assessment undertaken.
- What things do you think worked well and why? Evaluate all aspects of the project (e.g. initial inception, project activities and project outcomes) from a range of perspectives.
- What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled? Was there timely identification of issues and resolution during the project process?
- What did you learn from undertaking the project?
- How would you rate your performance as project manager?
- What strengths and weaknesses of your performance did you identify?
- How will this inform and support your continuous professional development?
Attachment:- Managing Business Project Assignment File.rar