Cyber Security Careers - Cyber Security Careers Personal

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Cyber Security Careers Personal Professional Branding

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the recruitment and selection process and their implications relevant to their career

Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate the ability to identify strengths and areas for development

Learning Outcome 3: Plan and manage their personal development and career path

Learning Outcome 4: Develop transferable skills including problem solving, information management and retrieval skills, as well as presentation and communication skills relevant and appropriate to a range of audiences

Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate core technical skills appropriate to level 5 (a good understanding of privilege escalation; ability to use common tools and techniques for website auditing and reconnaissance to gather information about vulnerabilities; ability to apply penetration testing procedures to exploit vulnerable systems)

Assignment: Produce a report containing the following sections/content:

Section 1 Careers -personal professional branding

Expected Content: Creating a presence and communicating your skills and character to prospective employers is an important part of the job hunt. LinkedIn is one example of a professional social network that enables contact with employers, associates, career advisors etc. If you have not got a LinkedIn (or similar) profile then set one up. Describe your LinkedIn (or similar) profile with screenshots. Reflect upon your profile and its impact. How do you make your profile stand out? How can you develop or enhance your web presence? How should you manage your presence on LinkedIn to enhance your career potential? Identify some alternatives to career networking other than LinkedIn? Write a brief report of approximately 2000 words, properly formatted, including references, examples and screenshots where appropriate.

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