CTEC3911 Mobile Application Development - Build a survey

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Mobile Application Development

Coursework Brief:

You are required to build a survey app for android users for their mobile devices. The purpose of this application is to allow DMU students to participate in surveys about their modules, which the university can use to gather feedback from a host of different students.

The application should have two user roles; an admin role and a student role.

Student Role:
The app should allow the user to Register or log in to the app. Once the student logs in to the app they will be able to see all available surveys (which have been published by the admin) and can participate in all of them. For example:

The app allows students to participate only once in each survey. All questions must be answered. The app should display each questionona separate page and students can go to the next question only after answering the current question. The student should get a notification (toast) to remind them to answer the current question first. See below, a very simply design, you need to be more creative;

Admin Role:
The admin can

  • Create a new survey with 10 questions.
  • Publish survey with starting and end date (so that it can be accessed by students)
  • Update a published survey (e.g. extend the end date)
  • Display all active surveys with total number of participants for each survey.
  • List all surveys' responses after the expiration date
  • Display the stats of each survey.

Advance Feature: admin can see charts for each question. For example, pie chart as shown below:

All data should be saved on the SQLite database.
You have been provided with the initial database for this application. The database containssix tables:

Assessment Criteria

The following criteria show how you will be assessed:
Student Role:
• User Interface: The user interface appropriately displays and captures relevant data, with a suitable layout. This includes login page and survey pages.
• Event Handling & Fitness for purpose: The user interface is responsive to interaction and can be used to achieve all associated tasks. There is appropriate validation throughout the application to ensure operations behave correctly, and features cannot be misused.The app allows students to participate only once in each survey. All questions must be answered.

  • Database:App connected to the DB
  • Design Pattern:has been applied to separate concerns and reduce coupling.

Admin Role:

• User Interface: The user interface appropriately displays and captures relevant data, with a suitable layout. This includes login page and other required pages.
• Event Handling & Fitness for purpose:The user interface is responsive to interaction and can be used to achieve all associated tasks. There is appropriate validation throughout the application to ensure operations behave correctly, and features cannot be misused.
o Create a new survey with 10 questions.
o Publish survey with starting and end date (so that can be accessed by students)
o Update a published survey (e.g. extend the end date)
o Display all active survey with total number of participants for each survey.
o List all surveys responses after the expiration date
o Display the stats of each survey.

  • Database: App connected to the DB
  • Design Pattern:has been applied to separate concerns and reduce coupling.
  • Advance Feature:admin can see charts for each question. For example, pie chart, bar chart etc.

The final of the marks will be awarded for a short reflective report which should include:
o UML design: function requirements, use case diagrams with use case descriptions, and Class diagrams. Also, UI design (include all pages/activities/layout).
o Database tables and ERD,
o Software architectural patternsused for developing your application (UI Logic, Input logic, Business Logic)
o Testing and Security consideration
o Discussion on any issues you encountered while developing the App. If no issues please describe your app development life cycle.

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