Critical appraisal
The critical appraisal. Please follow the instructions requested exactly.
For the assessment you are asked to:
Article - Cinemeducation in medicine: a mixed methods study on students' motivations and benefts
Question 1: Provide a brief introduction to the paper; and state which tool(s) you have used to appraise the article, justifying your choice. (150 words).
Question 2: In 1850 words, critically appraise the article, remembering to focus on its strengths (if any) and its limitations (if any). In particular, remember to justify your conclusions (e.g., it is not sufficient to say "appropriate statistical tests were used"; you must briefly explain why, in your view, they were appropriate). You should also remember to make a statement about the extent to which you find the authors'' conclusions credible, and briefly summarise why.
It is not essential to provide references, but you may choose to cite a relevant article/authority: for example, a statistical text. References should be appended at the end of your assessment and will not be included in the word count.