create a table of entities and activitiesillustrate a

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Question :

a. Create a table of entities and activities.

b. Illustrate a context diagram.

c. Illustrate a physical data flow diagram (DFD).

d. Purpose an annotated table of entities and activites. Show this table the groupings, bubble titles and bubble numbers to be used in preparing a level 0 logical DFD.

e. Show a level 0 logical DFD.


Fred's Electrical, Inc. sells electrical parts to electrical contractors in the northwestern United States. Fred's customers mail their payments--attached to the stub (i.e., remittance advice [RA]) from their monthly statement--to Fred's accounts receivable (AR) office. An AR clerk checks that the check amount agrees with the amount on the RA and sends the checks to the cashier. The AR clerk creates batch totals of the customer numbers, amount paid and invoice numbers. The AR clerk then enters the batch totals and RAs into the customer, where the AR master data is updated to record the payment. The computer reconciles the batch totals, reports discrepancies and confirms job completion, if any, to the AR clerk.

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