CP70066E - Machine Learning -University of West England
Details of Assessment
This assessment is an individually assessed component. Please make sure you have a clear understanding of the grading principles for this component. If you are unsure about any aspect of this assessment component, please seek the advice of a member of the delivery team.
The task involves data analysis, and discussion of methods and results, using Python. For your report, you must submit a single PDF file that contains all answers, including any text needed to describe your results, the example code snippets used to answer each problem, any figures that were generated, and scans of any (clearly readable) work on paper that you want the graders to consider. It is important that you include enough detail that we know how you solved each problem.
You must attend the lectures for further details, guidance and clarifications regarding these instructions.
Critique the theory of machine learning
Apply a range of machine learning techniques to solve practical problems
Critically evaluate and Interpret the results
Quality of the report
Attachment:- Logbook for Machine Learning.rar