Contribute to monitoring the health of individuals affected by health conditions
Unit aim
This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the learner with the knowledge and skills required to observe, monitor, record and report on the health of individuals affected by health conditions.
Outcome 1 Understand monitoring of the health of individuals affected by health conditions
1. explain the importance of monitoring the health of individuals affected by a health condition
2. describe ways in which the health of individuals can be monitored.
Outcome 2 Carry out observations of the health of individuals affected by health conditions
1. identify what observations have been agreed to monitor the health condition of an individual
2. carry out required observations in ways that:
• respect the individual's dignity and privacy
• reassure the individual and minimise any fears or concerns
• follow agreed ways of working.
Outcome 3 Record and report on observations
1. record required indicators of an individual's condition
2. report changes in the individual's condition, in line with agreed ways of working
3. explain when changes may be needed to usual recording and reporting requirements about an individual's health condition.
Outcome 4 Respond to changes in an individual's condition
1. take immediate action in line with agreed ways of working when changes in an individual's health cause concern
2. work with others to review information about changes in an individual's health
3. clarify own understanding about changes to requirements for monitoring
4. implement required changes to monitoring processes.