Contagion and computational modelling in financial networks
You can choose any programming language to solve the case.
First part:
The step how the financial network should build is in the working paper1.
Second part:
Stochastic block model simulation (do the same things as in the first part with the same data, but in this case the average degree is fix but the µ is different.)
To explain the a stochastic block model (SBM) is an extended version of Erdos-Renyi (ER) network (i.e. ER network with communities).
While ER network is characterized by the connection probability p, the SBM is characterized by p and mu together.
The parameter p determines the average degree (i.e. number of link in the SBM), whereas μ determines how separated two communities are.
LEAST 5000 word explanations but it can be more if its required about the solution, so to explain step by step what results you got and how did you do that. The essay should be fully understandable without grammar mistakes. Also the explanation should be clear step by step explanation and related to the question so the stochastic block model and erdos renyi (ER) model comparison (first and second part) IN THE FINANCIAL NETWORK AND WORLD.