COMP40571 - Computer Forensics - Nottingham Trent University
Assignment - Computer Forensics Investigation
Assessment Requirements
This assignment allows you to build your knowledge and critical evaluation of computer forensics investigations.To pass the coursework you must demonstrate your understanding of the practice of digital investigations as they are conducted in an organisation. This is achieved through the investigation of computer-based evidence using tools and techniques that you have been introduced to during the module delivery. You are allowed to make use of any references during your digital investigation but are encouraged to use academic sources such as conference and journal papers. This is an individual coursework.
Assessment Scenario/Problem
Many organisations have an IT security strategy in place covering the management of IT security facilities and acceptable activities undertaken within the organisation. Computer forensics has long been an activity within the bounds of law enforcement agencies. However, commercial organisations are increasingly making use of computer forensics tools and techniques to investigate system misuse. In addition, corporate digital investigations are also conducted to provide evidence in cases such as fraud, Intellectual Property theft, or harassment.
Another UK university, which does not have expertise in computer forensics, has asked Nottingham Trent University's College of Science and Technology (NTU CST) to conduct a digital investigation into suspected Intellectual Property (IP)‘theft' on their behalf. A number of relevant files have been recovered from a staff member's (Dr John Haggerty) shared drive. In addition, a number of emails have been recovered from the mail server and provided as .pst archives. All recovered files have been placed on a flash memory drive and imaged by IT staff at the other university. The image is made available to you via the module room on NOW. You are to investigate the files and provide a report of your findings to NTU CST's School Management Team. The report should include an overview of your methodology and the programs that you used during the investigation. If a case of IP‘theft' is founded, you have been asked to recommend to the School Management Team the severity of the offence with supporting evidence. If no evidence of IP‘theft' is found, again provide supporting evidence to defend this position. In addition, you are to make recommendations for future investigations based on the handling of the case up to the point at which you have become involved.
Your report should not exceed 2500 words (excluding references and appendices). Particular care should be made to ensure that the report contains correct references to all cited work in an appropriate style, for example, the Harvard Referencing System. You should submit your report to the module Dropbox in NOW before the submission deadline.
Attachment:- Computer Forensics Investigation.rar