COM 313-Computer Programming Using C++-Deliver lecture on

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Computer Programming Using C++

General Objectives

1. Know how to program in C++

2. Know the fundamentals of C++

3. Know Input and Output of Data in C++

4. Know functions and libraries in C++

5. Know difference between programmer defined functions and C++ inbuilt functions.

6. Know Polymorphism.

7. Understand pointers and arrays.

8. Apply object oriented C++ programming to database development.

1 To be able to:

• Discuss object oriented programming and list reasons for the choice of C++.

• Explain the concept of objects.

• Discuss area of application of object technology.

• Discuss object oriented programming.

• List reasons for the choice of C++ as against other programming languages.

• List areas where object technology is applied namely object oriented Design, OO programming, OO Analysis and OO Databases.

2-3 Be able to:

• Discuss data types

• Explain the various types of operations.

• Discuss keywords, identifiers, and constants.

• Identify floating-point object types etc.

• write simple C++ program.

List and Explain

• Data types

• Operators and overloaded operators.

• Keywords, Identifiers, Constants, floating point object types etc.

Should be able to

• Explain how to input and out put data in C++

• Discuss difference between classes, meta class and objects

• Explain the concept of object lifetime.

• Demonstrate how to implement the above concepts in a C++ program.

• Explain how to Input and output data in C++.

• Differentiate between classes meta class and object.

• List different types of objects.

• State lifetime of objects.


Be able to:

• Discuss the basic functions and libraries in C++ and their uses.

• Show how to use functions and libraries in programs.

List the basic functions and libraries in C++ State the uses of functions and libraries in C++


To be able to:

Explain the difference between programmer define functions and C++ inbuilt functions.

Discuss the uses of programmer define functions and how to use it in programs.

Differentiate between programmer defined functions and C++ inbuilt functions.

State uses of programmer defined functions

8 To be able to:

• Explain the concept of polymorphism

• Discuss overloading in polymorphism

• Discuss the type of polymorphism andshow how to implement the concept in C++ program.

Deliver lecture on the concept of polymorphism, objects and loading.Stating the different types in pictorial form.

9 Be able to:

Differentiate between pointers and arrays.

Describe one-dimensional arrays and arrays initialization.

Describe block allocation of memory as against link list.

Describe pointers to pointers.

Discuss the concept of pointers and arrays in C++.

Differentiate between block allocation of memory and link list.

Explain pointers to pointers

10-12 Be able to:

Describe object-oriented design.

Describe object Oriented programming

Describe object oriented Analysis.

Describe object oriented Database.

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