CMI3417 Change and Project Management Assignment help and

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CMI3417 Change and Project Management - University of Huddersfield

Personal Reflective Logbook

Assignment Aims

This assignment aims to encourage you to reflect on the content of this module, and to research those aspects that particularly interest you. You are asked to apply the module's ideas and models to your own experiences, and to develop your own ideas and thoughts in the general subject area.

Learning Outcomes

This assignment covers all the Learning Outcomes given in the module specification. It allows you to explore the ideas from the module with reference to specific, real world, examples and experiences.

Assessment Brief

Your task is to keep a Reflective Logbook during the module. As the name suggests, this document should form a log of your thoughts and reflections during the module.

Contents and Details
In the first weeks of this module you will be asked to reflect on (and be prepared to share) instances of change in which you have personally been involved. You will also be asked to investigate and report on instances of successful and unsuccessful changes in the business world. These reflections, along with those from the coming weeks, form the basis of this work.

As of the first class, you should start to maintain a logbook of your thoughts and reflections. This logbook should contain an analysis of "events" (e.g. lectures, workshops, tutorial exercises, additional materials provided on Brightspace, formal and informal discussions with staff and peers) triggered by classes in each week.

You are asked to produce a logbook, not a diary. There do not have to be weekly entries, and there certainly is no need for an entry after every class. How you organise the material is up to you, but you are advised that organising by date will probably make the final document very difficult to structure coherently.

The final logbook should be no longer than 1200 words. But it may also include one or more of diagrams, printouts of relevant web pages documenting current events, newspaper cuttings, and similar material. Good logbooks will probably make use of such additional material.

Attachment:- Change and Project Management.rar

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