CM2100 - Advanced Software Design and Development - Robert Gordon University
Assessment Part - Coursework
Personal Diary - GUI Application
In this coursework you will create a Graphical User Interface that adds interactive functionality to an existing Java project. The project starting point is available to download from of the CM2100 Moodle page.
You have considerable freedom in how to implement your solution. A set of expected functionality (see Functional Requirements on page 4) is given in this coursework specification, but you can implement this functionality using any appropriate GUI components as you see fit.
Setting up your Netbeans project
• Download the file from the CM2100 Moodle page.
• Unzip the file. You may rename the Netbeans project if you wish.
• Open the project in Netbeans.
• There should be 7 11 Java files in the project.
• The starting point folder also contains a sample StatementOfCompliance.txt file and a folder with some sample jpg image files for use in your solution.
• You should add further Java classes that extend the JFrame and JDialog classes as appropriate to fulfil the coursework requirements.
Testing and Statement of Compliance
There are no specific marks for testing your code, but obviously you should test all functionality that you implement since correct functionality is the primary assessment criterion.
Within your Netbeans project include a StatementOfCompliance.txt file. (An empty one A template is provided in your starting point Netbeans project). In this, list each of the 7 requirements and clearly indicate whether there are complete or not, and whether you have tested them.
Fully implemented, working and tested.
Partially implemented, working but with some errors, and tested.
Partially implemented, not tested. Not attempted.
Code Comments and Code Layout
You should include an appropriately edited comment in the following format at the top of each Java class that you edit or create:
/*, edited/created by Your Name
*Assessment Part 2 - due ?? ???? 2020 */
If you make any changes to the existing starting point classes then you must provide code comments explaining the nature and purpose of the changes, and also include a comment in the Statement of Compliance file indicating in which files any changes have been made.
Additional code comments are not required, and there are no additional marks for code comments in this exercise.
You may comment-out any code that has syntax errors. Partial marks may be given for code that is partially correct and commented-out.
Neat coding style will be one of the assessed aspects.
• Use code indentation to ensure code legibility.
• Use appropriate spacing between methods and sections of code to ensure good readability.
Functional Requirements
Application Behaviour
Requirement 1 Main Window Content
• The program should run as a graphical user interface (GUI).
• The main window should have a menu bar and a number of menus that will depend on how you organise the other requirements.
• On the main window there should be means to:
» create a new appointment
» modify an existing appointment
» delete an existing appointment
» specifying details of an appointment
» display a calendar month with highlight of dates with appointments
» select a calendar month to display
» select a date and show all appointment scheduled on that date
» show details of an existing appointment
Requirement 2 Closing the System
• The user should be able to close the system via an Exit option on one of the menus.
• The user should also be able to exit the system by clicking on the
close button of the main window.
• In either case the windows should close and the program should shut down without crashing.
Application Data
Requirement 3 Personal Diary
• The program should be able to store and manage a personal diary of appointments.
• You can assume there is 1 user only. There is no need for login or logout.
Requirement 4 Appointments
• The program should be able to store and manage multiple appointments.
• An appointment can be timed or untimed.
o A timed appointment run from a starting date and time until an ending date and time.
o An untimed appointment occurs on a specific date but spans the whole day.
• An appointment can be one-off or repeating.
o An one-off appointment only occurs once.
o A repeating appointment can occur daily, weekly, or annually between a starting and ending date.
Requirement 5 Saving appointments to a text File
• The program should allow the user to save the details of all appointments to a text file.
• The Menu class has a method that can be used to write to a file.
• Your task is to use that menu in conjunction with e.g. a JFileChooser to allow the user to select the text file to which the data is to be saved.
Requirement 6 Loading appointments from a text File
• The program should allow the user to load the details of all appointments from a text file.
• The Menu class has a method that can be used to read from a file.
• Your task is to use that menu in conjunction with e.g. a JFileChooser to allow the user to select the text file to which the data is to be saved.
Requirement 7 Search for appointments
• The program should allow the user to search for appointments containing a keyword in their description.
Attachment:- Advanced Software Design and Development.rar