CI7200 E-Business Strategy and Implementation - Kingston University
Write a report to describe a strategic e-business initiative either based on an organisation that you are working for or on a specific case that will be provided for this exercise.
The aim of the exercise is to enable students to investigate a business situation based on a case study provided within the module (ZETA Case study) and propose improvements in terms of efficiency and effectiveness in order to benefit the competitiveness of the specific organisation
Your report should include the following sections:
1. Business and environmental analysis using the appropriate tools presented during the module and a brief analysis of the value of the ebusiness initiative to the organisation under study
2. Identification of the areas of improvement and suggestion of the ebusiness concepts and tools that are needed
3. Assessment of the organisational transformation focusing on people, processes and organisational aspectsSection 1: A good answer presents the following:
• The selection, justification and use of the tools to describe the environment in which the organisation operates (explain why you used each strategic analysis tool and what you get out of the use of the above mentioned tools)
• Clear description and analysis of the organisational environment
• Value proposition describing the added value and the competitive advantage it provides
Section 2: A good answer presents the following:
• Clear description of the e-business tools that are needed for the new IT enabled service described earlier in the value proposition and the way that these tools could improve the current situation in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, innovation and justification of the proposals
• Justification and feasibility of the proposals according to the environmental analysis carried out in section 1 (explain how the ebusiness tools will help the organisation at its strategic direction)
Section 3: A good answer presents the following:
• Discussion of the organisational transformation and change management issues
• A change management plan
Presentation: A good answer presents the following:
• Executive summary
• Introduction
• Report organisation in sections/ subsections
• Flow between sections
• Conclusions, critique and discussion
• Document format and typography (including spelling)
• Appropriate style for an academic report (proper referencing)
You should follow the instructions for coursework submission given in the coursework briefs.
You are reminded of the faculty policy for the late submission of coursework. Any work submitted up to a week late will be capped at 50%, anything submitted later than this will receive a zero mark.
If you are ill or have problems affecting your studies, the University Mitigating Circumstances policy may apply. You will need to complete a form and attach suitable independent documentation. Remember if you submit a piece of work or attend an examination, you have judged yourself fit to undertake the assessment and cannot claim mitigating circumstances retrospectively.