CI7150 Wireless Communications and Networks Assignment
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing, School of Computer Science and Mathematics - Kingston University, UK
Assignment is on network layer of OSI reference model using zigbee. First create a local area network and place the zigbee protocol and random users and the calculate the path loss, interference, snr, snir, transmit power, range, and parameters.
Write a tutorial paper of between 3000 and 4000 words on a topic that either extends what presented in the lecture course or on a topic that is within the scope of wireless communications and networks but not covered in the lecture course (feel free to check with me if you are unsure about your topic).
Based on the topic you have selected, in the evaluation section of the paper you need to provide some simple simulation results and analysis using any of the Matlab / NS2 or 3 or Packet Tracer or other related simulators, open source or proprietary. Your selection should be unique to you by using the arithmetic part of your KU number for setting up your simulations, e.g. fundamental frequency or distance. Furthermore, it should include the following steps:
Provide a scenario, e.g. rural environment.
Design the network, e.g. give number of application servers, base stations, routers and end users.
Evaluate the performance of the selected algorithm or protocol, e.g. scheduler, mobility management protocol, resource management algorithms etc, in terms of throughput, delay, jitter or any other evaluation metric/statistic you feel is relevant to your design and scenario.
Build a system/network analysis based on these simulation results and finally
Provide recommendations and comments on your results.
Paper Outlines -
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Section headings
- Evaluations
- Conclusion
- References