BUSM4376 - Dissertation - University of Worcester
Learning Outcome 1: Apply the skills and knowledge already gained on the course in order to produce a properly researched written report that either addresses a current business issue or organisational context.
Learning Outcome 2: Evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in their specialist area of study.
Learning Outcome 3: Devise and implement appropriate methodology and methods to produce rigorous answers to stated research questions.
Learning Outcome 4: Marshall evidence and draw appropriate conclusions and recommendations based on a sound understanding of the appropriate theories, concepts and models.
Learning Outcome 5: Produce written work to a high level of competence, based on accepted standards of clarity and coherence, supported by appropriate references to the sources used and adherent to the University ethical policy and process.
Learning Outcome 6: Critically review personal learning as a researcher and the potential impact of the research on an organisation or organisational context.
Assignment tasks:
The assessment will take the form of a single written dissertation, with a target word length of 10,000 words (+/-10%). The Dissertation is the culmination of your work on the MBA/MA/MSc programme and it is one of the most important means by which Masters' quality is identified and assessed. It is an individual undertaking, and the final responsibility for its successful planning and completion rests with you, though tutorial guidance will be given. The Dissertation, therefore, requires you to display evidence of your ability to work independently and ethically in both researching and presenting a topic of your own choice, and to sustain these skills in an extended exercise.
Dissertations will normally involve either an element of original research and/or the re-working of secondary materials from an original viewpoint, and the results must be presented in a manner appropriate to the conventions of the discipline(s) involved. The Study therefore indicates your independent attainment of the intellectual and methodological skills appropriate to a Master's degree at the culmination of your study on the programme. Among those skills is the ability to plan and complete a substantial piece of work within the set deadlines. The Dissertation must be passed, for the award of a Master's degree.
The content of the dissertation is developed by you from the outline Research Proposal made as part of the assessment of the BUSM4375 Research Methods module (or BUSM4309) or your internship. It is normally expected that Dissertation topics will arise from material or issues you have studied during your other modules or your organisational/work/internship context, but this need not always be the case. You may wish to relate it to a planned career or past experience. The Dissertation is regarded as a single coherent exercise: the Study must address a single topic and develop its account of the topic in a depth and sophistication at Masters Level. You will be expected to utilise the resources provided by ILS, including e-journals and other on-line data sources, in support of your specific research requirements. You may develop a dissertation that generates and makes use of primary sources of information. You will receive guidance from a member of staff who is a specialist in the appropriate area, but you will be expected to apply independent thinking and writing skills. A good standard of English will be required, and attention to referencing source material will be an important element of the work.
Attachment:- Dissertation Assignment Brief.rar