BUSM4301 Leadership and Change Management Assignment - University of Worcester, UK
Assessment - 30 minute Group Presentation and individual reflective explanation
Learning Outcomes Assessed -
1. Demonstrate an essential people management skill set and identify core qualities, behaviours and skills in relation to leadership practice.
2. Apply evidence-based methodologies to leadership situations.
4. Manage interpersonal relationships effectively by sharing insight, challenging constructively and build on others' contributions.
Assessment briefing - This document provides details of the assessment. There will also be an oral briefing conducted week 3.
Assignment task(s) - This assignment requires each student to:
1. Work in a group of 4 - 6 arranged with the tutor. The group will have 30 minutes to present a mind-map which explores the impact of leadership personality in a range of business change scenarios. Each person in the group must contribute equally to the preparation and verbal presentation. Evidence of this is to be provided with comment on how the group has worked together constructively, building on each other's contributions. The presentation will be recorded for assessment purposes. There will be a Q & A session with the tutor within the 30 minutes. All material on your slides or in your presentation should be appropriately cited and a reference slide included at the end. This will contribute to learning outcome 4.
2. Write your own 1000-word reflective explanation for at least one of the scenarios sharing your personal analysis of it from leadership literature, exploring the potential impact of your own leadership personality on each. This part of the assignment must be your own individual work, even though it will draw on scenarios you have discussed within your group. Anything that is not purely your own work must go in a table within your assignment or in an appendix and will not contribute to the grading of your 1000 words. This will meet learning outcome 2 and contribute to learning outcomes 1 and 4.
Reflective explanation - You must present your work using the following template:
1. Title page
2. Grading Matrix in landscape (not included in word count)
3. Executive Summary (not included in word count)
4. Table of Contents (not included in word count)
5. Introduction
6. Body (split into appropriate sub headed sections)
7. Conclusion
8. References (use the University Harvard referencing system).
The word count for this assignment is 1000 words. This includes everything in the main body of the text. Everything before (i.e., abstract, acknowledgements, contents, executive summaries etc) and after the main text (ie references, bibliographies, appendices etc) are NOT included in the word count limit.