You are required to build a system using laravel.
Base your system on a database with a number of tables(at least three) including properly formed relationships with primary keys and foreign keys.
Students hoping to achieve high marks should use techniques of both bootstrap and laravel that they have researched on their own and go beyond the techniques covered in labs.
You will be graded in the following categories:
User interface
Look and feel
Breath of different bootstrap elements used
Application Originality
How original is your idea
How original is your implementation of the idea
Have any additional elements/techniques been used
Application Functionality
Breadth of Functionality
Techniques used - including routing, validation, assets.
Depth of Functionality
Choose Project - Traveling website where people will be able to choose their location, pay for the holiday , pick a date , a time . The emplyer will have all the information and thei will have acess to add a booking , see available booking