BN018467–Specification–Edexcel Level 3 BTEC Nationals in

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Unit 1: Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit a learner should:

1 Understand effective communication and interpersonal interaction

2 Understand factors that influence communication and interpersonal interactions in health and social care settings

3 Know how patients/service users may be assisted by effective communication

4 Be able to demonstrate own communication skills in a caring role.

P1 describe different types of communication and interpersonal interaction, using examples relevant to health and social care settings

P2 describe the stages of the communication cycle

P3 describe factors that may influence communication and interpersonal interactions with particular reference to health and social care settings

P4 identify how the communication needs of patients/service users may be assisted, including non-verbal communication

P5 describe two interactions that they have participated in, in the role of a carer, using communication skills to assist patients/service users

P6 review the effectiveness of own communication skills in the two interactions undertaken.

M1 explain how the communication cycle may be used to communicate difficult, complex and sensitive issues

M2 explain the specific communication needs patients/service users may have that require support, including the use of technology

M3 explain how own communication skills could have been used to make the interactions more effective.

D1 analyse how communication in health and social care settings assists patients/service users and other key people

D2 analyse the factors that influenced the interactions undertaken.

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