BMA4004-20 Design Thinking for Enterprise, Bath Spa

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Subject - Business and Management

Design Thinking for Enterprise

Assignment Report

Title: An exploration of a specific and local problem using the 5W&H model.

Choose one of the United Nations (UN) Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) from the following website. Then select a specific local news story as a focus to develop the first three aspects of Design Thinking (Include elements of empathy, definition, and ideation).

Summary: You will select and describe one SDG and link it to a range of issues/ (problems identification) within your locality that you are interested in, have read about or are aware of. Next you will take a deep dive into the issues surrounding the SDG (at a local level) using the 5W&H model. Then finally and tentatively, explore some potential ideas that would theoretically help reduce (Creative problem solving/ sustainability) the impact of the problem in your capacity as a Design Thinker.

(A design thinker is a product designer who can be a manager, business executive, project manager or just an employee in this case it is you the student, who focuses on creative problem-solving bearing in mind customisation of products that serves the specific needs of the customers/ community bearing in mind compliance to sustainability and keeping in line with ONE SDG).

Rationale: Design Thinkers often use the 5W&1H model to explore complex issues in greater detail. This is an opportunity for you to consider an aspect of sustainability in depth and to understand how Design Thinking may help to provide solutions to "wicked" problems.

Section A: Current State Description

Introduction: Describe the "current state" of your chosen project. Take a deep dive into issues and show how they relate to a single, defined UN SDG (Make your citation). Provide the reader with context for further discussion and potential scope and impact. You should narrow your focus to a local issue(s) in local news media. Guide: We suggest researching in a 50-mile radius of your normal campus or hometown.
Then: Creatively and thoughtfully explore core issues using the 5W&H as section sub-headings below using materials and theories introduced on the course.
W- What needs to be done?
W - Where should it be done?
W - W- When does it need to be done?
W - Who should do it? / Demographics, children, women, cancer patients......
How should it be done? / Ways to solve the problem describe the HOW
Why does it need to be done? / Why do you need to solve the problem

Section B. Future State Ideation

Introduce what ideation is briefly.

Ideation is the third stage in design thinking process which focuses on visioning and creatively imaging with precision what the problem is and recommending possible solutions (In text citation). The idea of product ideation is to represent the problems and creative sustainable solution in words and in illustrations (In text citation).
Relate/ Connect ideation in design thinking to your own work:
In this section we will take a critical envisioning/ imaging/ picturing the problems created by environmental pollution because of littering Trafford area with dirt. / Increasing crime in Moston area/ increasing illiteracy levels


What if? Now discuss your ideas for a "future state" solution (Based on Section A). In this section, generate a "rich picture "PRESENT IN PICRTURE SHOWING THE PROBLEM and THE SOLUTION (in both words and illustration) that illuminates the future state potential of your ideation. Focus on laying out your ambition and the potential of your ideas rather than fine detail. Also, highlight any Design Thinking methods you found useful as you proceed. However, please be mindful to consider genuine viability, rather than simply using a lot of unsupported superlatives to describe potential.

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