BH027165 – Edexcel BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals

Post New Homework

Commissioned Fine Art Work


This unit aims to develop learners’ understanding of the commissioning process through development of a proposal.

Learning outcomes

LO1 Be able to initiate and agree a contract with the client

1.1 Make contact with a client

1.2 Establish a financial agreement

1.3 Agree expected outcomes

LO2 Be able to agree approaches to work with the client

2.1 Agree approaches to work with client

2.2 Determine practical arrangements with client

2.3 Resolve any differences with client

LO3 Be able to develop a proposal for a client

3.1 Produce a proposal

3.2 Develop a prototype

3.3 Discuss and agree any changes to commissioned work

LO4 Be able to carry out contracted work to realise agreed outcome

4.1 Develop and resolve ideas

4.2 Complete and meet agreed outcomes

4.3 Evaluate final commissioned artwork.

Post New Homework

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