The Hip and Turnout
Activity (Research):
a) Use the website "GetBodySmart" and other reputable online sources to label the following parts of the pelvis in Fig. 1. Ilium, ischium, sacrum, pubis, coccyx, acetabulum, head of the femur, neck of the femur, greater trochanter
b) Using Hip Joint – 3D Anatomy Tutorial video, find out where the Y-shaped (iliofemoral) and pubofemoral ligaments are located. Then draw a diagram of these ligaments on Fig. 1a and reflect on how the elasticity of these ligaments might impact a dancer’s turnout.
Activity (Research):
a) Use the app Muscle Systems Pro III and the video Muscles of the Thigh and Gluteal Region – Part 1 – Anatomy Tutorial to label the 6 deep lateral rotator muscles on the right hand side of Fig. 3a (please note: the obturator internus is almost entirely covered by other muscles).
b) Use the app Muscle Systems Pro III and the website "GetBodySmart" to label the following muscles in Fig. 3: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus. While accessing each muscle, view the available animations to identify and explore their action in relation to the hip joint.
c) Use the app Muscle Systems Pro III and the website 'GetBodySmart" to label the psoas major and iliacus on Fig. 4 and identify their actions in relation to the hip joint.
Activity (Research and Reflection):
a) Access the “crocodile” (lateral rotator) strengthening and turn out proprioception exercise video resources on the website and try these activities out yourself. Once you have experienced each activity, work out how you might embed similar activities in your own training or teaching and consider how you would differentiate them for different groups of students.
b) Using your anatomy textbook and the internet, identify and explore stretching exercises that can be done to increase hip flexibility (in particular turnout). Share and debate your findings on the module forum.
Study Tasks
Well done, you have already completed a range of study tasks by engaging with the various activities within this unit.
1. Reading and Research
a) Watch the video tutorial on eOrthopod and read Haas chapter 6
b) Identify the possible movement directions at the hip and provide examples of dance movements that require these movements (table).
c) What does the current research say about the ways in which turnout can be measured and assessed? Identify and read at least two articles which discuss turnout in dancers.
d) Summarise the findings from these articles and explore how the outcomes are applicable in your own teaching practice.
e) What does the research say about how you might be able to help optimise your students’ level of turnout? Note the key considerations for working within a safe range of turnout? What might influence your students’ ability to achieve safe and effective turn out? What issues can you identify in your current students?
2. Writing
a) Write a poster or similar teaching resource that outlines dos and don’ts with regards to turnout. Ensure that this resource outlines in an accessible manner why each dancer has a different degree of turnout available.
b) Create a plan for training for turnout for your students using specific conditioning exercises – create a short (5-10 minute), easy to follow plan which focuses on the key turnout muscles and improving flexibility at the hip joint. There are some key examples in the following free online resource paper developed by the International Association for Dance
Medicine and Science:
3. Reflection
a) As you have learnt in this unit, each individual has a different degree of turnout available at the hip joint and therefore dance teachers must be aware of individual differences to ensure all students dance safely.
Consider how you might work with a group of students to make them aware of the degree of turnout each individual can safely use. How might you support them in safely maximising their turnout within and beyond their dance training?
Consider how the following might facilitate this process:
Visualisation/imagery techniques
Conditioning exercises
Feedback and peer work
b) Reflecting on your own practice, how do you/will you differentiate your plan/delivery of a session to allow for a range of turnout abilities and what do you/will you put in place to help reduce the risk of the issues/problems/injury associated with overturning.