Assignment Title - Operational Amplifier Filters
1. Inverting High Pass OpAmp Filter - The High pass filter has a cut-off frequency of fH = 1/(2πR1C1)
Procedure -
1. Design the circuit as seen in Figure 1 by following the same procedure as in previous lab session.
2. Make the "AC" component of the Vsin input source equal to 1. This is required for doing the AC sweep.
3. Open a new simulation profile and run "AC Sweep" analysis with the following parameters: (Simulation settings -> AC sweep -> logarithmic -> from 10Hz to 10kHz, point/decade =1000)
4. Insert single voltage probe at the output terminal. Run the simulation and capture the frequency response and phase shift curves using the procedure mentioned in the "RC filter" experiment.
5. Calculate the cut-off frequency using the expression provided and verify this on the frequency response curve. Vout = 9V, Vin = 1V, therefore the gain is 9. The cutoff frequency is determined when the gain is 70.7% of this value.
6. Simulate the input and output sinusoidal waveforms using "Time Domain" analysis and comment on the phase shift between the waveforms. Separate plots for 100 Hz and 10KHz. Apply simulation settings accordingly.
2. Inverting Low Pass OpAmp Filter - In the Low Pass filter, the capacitor is placed in parallel to the feedback resistor as shown in Figure 2. The Low pass filter has a cut-off frequency of fL = 1/(2πR2C1)
Repeat the above procedure for (steps 1 to 6) for this filter.
Extra -
Repeat the above procedure for the non-inverting amplifier, i.e., high pass and low pass non-inverting opamp filters.
Simulation settings for AC sweep: 1Hz to 10KHz, 1000 points/dec.
Create an inverting band pass opamp filter with appropriate cut off frequencies.