ASM1-M/601/0648-Recognise Indications of substance Misuse

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Recognise Indications of substance Misuse and Refer Individuals to Specialists

Unit summary

This unit covers recognising signs which may indicate that someone may be misusing drugs (illegal, prescription or over the counter), alcohol, solvents or other substances. It also includes referring individuals with indications of substance misuse to service providers where this is the appropriate action.

Learning outcomes Assessment

1 Recognise indications of substance misuse

1.1 Identify the range of substances which may be misused and their effects (eg illegal drugs, prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, alcohol, solvents)

1.2 Identify possible indications of substance misuse (eg physical, behavioural, social, emotional)

1.3 Identify other factors which produce indications that may be interpreted as caused by substance misuse

1.4 Show how to obtain specialist assistance where required

1.5 Show how to keep personal knowledge about substances and possible indications of substance misuse up to date.

2 Assess and monitor risk

2.1 Assess the risk to the individual and to others which may result from substance misuse, in accordance with organisational procedures

2.2 Review the assessment of risk and explain why this is important

2.3 Demonstrate appropriate action which may be required in the light of changes to the situation and level of risk
3 Handle information and maintain records

3.1 Identify situations and actions taken in line with organisational requirements and explain the importance of doing so

3.2 Identify the rights of individuals and the principle of confidentiality

4 Refer individuals to appropriate services

4.1 Identify the range of services relevant to substance misuse available locally and nationally

4.2 Demonstrate how to refer individuals to services in line with organisational requirements

4.3 Provide appropriate services with complete and accurate information about the situation in line with organisational requirements

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