Approaches to enable rights and choices for individuals with dementia whilst minimising risks
Unit aim
This unit provides knowledge, understanding and skills required to promote individuals’ rights and choices whilst minimising risk.
Outcome 1 Understand key legislation and agreed ways of working that ensure the fulfilment of rights and choices of individuals with
dementia while minimising risk of harm
1. outline key legislation that relates to the fulfilment of rights and choices and the minimising of risk of harm for an individual with dementia
2. describe how agreed ways of working relate to the rights of an individual with dementia
3. explain why it is important not to assume that an individual with dementia cannot make their own decisions
4. explain how the best interests of an individual with dementia must be included when planning and delivering care and support
5. explain what is meant by providing care and support to an individual with dementia in the least restrictive way.
Outcome 2 Understand how to maintain the right to privacy, dignity and respect when supporting individuals with dementia
1. describe how to maintain privacy when providing personal support for intimate care to an individual with dementia
2. give examples of how to show respect for the physical space of an individual with dementia
3. give examples of how to show respect for the social or emotional space of an individual with dementia
4. describe how to use an awareness of the life history and culture of an individual with dementia to maintain their dignity
5. outline the benefits of knowing about the past and present interests and life skills of an individual with dementia.
Outcome 3 Support individuals with dementia to achieve their potential
1. demonstrate how the physical environment may enable an individual with dementia to achieve their potential
2. demonstrate how the social environment may enable an individual with dementia to achieve their potential
3. support an individual with dementia to use their abilities during personal care
4. explain how the attitudes of others may enable an individual with dementia to achieve their potential.
Outcome 4 Work with carers who are caring for individuals with dementia
1. identify some of the anxieties common to carers of an individual with dementia
2. outline the legal rights of the carer in relation to an individual with dementia
3. involve carers in planning support that enables the rights and choices and protects an individual with dementia from harm
4. describe how the need of carers and others to protect an individual with dementia from harm may prevent the individual from exercising their rights and choices
5. demonstrate how a carer can be supported to enable an individual with dementia to achieve their potential.