Step 1
Click on the link attached, which will open a separate window where I would like you to watch the 3 minute video called use-post-its-to-plan-the-order-of-tasks within the Step 3 Project Management.
Use post-it notes to plan the order of tasks video
Step 2
If you have a pack of post-it notes to hand, get these out now and use them to try and solve the simple challenge below. If you don't have post-it notes cut up a piece of paper into squares so that you can move them around. The point here is that scheduling activity is simplest when you can move the tasks around physically.
Alex has just got in from work late. He listens to his answer phone and finds a message from his friend Bob, asking if he would like to go out to see a film this evening. Bob and some other friend are meeting at the cinema at 8pm.
Alex looks at his watch - it is already 7pm and he has lots of things to do before he can go out.
The cinema is 15 a minute drive away from Alex's house. Unfortunately he also needs to get petrol and the nearest garage is 5 minutes in the opposite direction!
Alex hasn't eaten yet. He has a microwaveable meal in the freezer which will take 5 minutes to defrost, 5 minutes on low power before stirring and then 5 minutes on high power.
Alex has also been getting behind with his laundry. His favourite shirt, that he wants to wear tonight, has been washed and is nearly dry. It will take 10 minutes in the tumble drier and then 5 minutes to iron, provided the iron is hot.
Alex also needs to have a shower which if he hurries will only take him 5 minutes. It will then take him another five minutes to get dressed and brush his hair.
Can you help Alex work out if he can get to the cinema in time to meet his friends!
(Hint: Just see if all the tasks can be completed in 1 hour. Don't worry about setting things to start at 7pm)
Step 3
Click on the link attached, which will open a pdf of the Chapter 5 (Project Scheduling) from Project Management Essentials (Wells & Kloppenborg, 2015). Read the chapter and make sure that by the end of reading you have taken notes and know what these terms refer to:
First pass forwards
First pass backward
Critical path
Gantt Chart
Attachment:- Scheduling Activity.rar