ADVO 306 -J/502/3296-Independent Mental Health

Post New Homework

Independent Mental Health Advocacy

Unit summary

The unit will support learners to develop the skills and knowledge required to provide Independent Health Advocacy (IMHA) as detailed within the Mental Health

Learning outcomes Assessment

1 Know how Mental Health legislation affects Independent Mental Health Advocacy qualifying patients

1.1 Explain key principles of Mental Health legislation

1.2 Analyse powers within the Mental Health Act 1983 as amended by the Mental Health Act 2007

1.3 Use the Mental Health Act 1983 as amended by the Mental Health Act 2007 to explain the process of compulsion

1.4 Research a range of safeguards enshrined within the Mental Health Act 1983 as amended by the Mental Health Act 2007

2 Provide Independent Mental Health Advocacy

2.1 Use the Mental Health Act 1983 as amended by the Mental Health Act 2007 to identify when an individual is entitled to receive IMHA support

2.2 Analyse the roles and responsibilities of an IMHA

2.3 Summarise rights afforded to an IMHA within the Mental Health Act

2.4 Prioritise a range of case work

2.5 Assess a range of potential dilemmas which IMHAs can face in practice

2.6 Resolve practice dilemmas

2.7 Summarise and respond to a range of common advocacy issues for qualifying patients

2.8 Understand treatment options available to an individual who is subject to compulsion under the Mental Health Act

2.9 Signpost qualifying patients to other services

2.10 Identify a range of information that should and must be recorded

2.11 Work within different environments

2.12 Understand how physical environment can impact on individuals

3 Respond to requests for Independent Mental Health Advocacy support

3.1 Identify a range of people who can refer to the IMHA service

3.2 Use referral processes

3.3 Implement and review referral processes

3.4 Respond to referrals

3.5 Know when to refer to a range of advocacy services

4 Engage with professionals 4.1 Research and identify a range of people and services the IMHA is likely to come into contact with

4.2 Communicate the IMHA‘s role to a range of people

4.3 Use strategies to negotiate with professionals

4.4 Respond to dilemmas and challenges which may be faced

5 Respond to individuals who have diverse needs

5.1 Describe how having mental health needs can impact on daily living

5.2 Offer support to individuals who have mental health needs

5.3 Use a range of methods to communicate with people who have mental health needs

5.4 Respond to the cultural and spiritual needs of an individual

5.5 Identify dimensions of diversity

5.6 Signpost a range of specialist support services that a qualifying patient may wish to access

5.7 Evaluate how the personal and cultural identity of an IMHA can impact on the advocacy relationship

6 Work safely 6.1 Identify situations that present potential risks

6.2 Respond to risk

6.3 Summarise adult (or) child protection procedures

6.4 Commit to using supervision

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