ADV 305-F/502/3295-Independent Mental Capacity

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Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy

Unit summary

The unit aims to support candidates to develop the practical skills and knowledge required to provide IMCA support within the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

Learning outcomes Assessment

1 Understand and use the Mental Capacity Act

1.1 Explain key principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005

1.2 Analyse powers within the Mental Capacity Act 2005

1.3 Use research skills to identify a range of provisions within the Mental Capacity Act 2005

1.4 Explain who may be affected by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and why

1.5 Use the Code of Practice

2 Provide Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy

2.1 Use the Mental Capacity Act 2005 to identify when there is a duty and a power to instruct an IMCA

2.2 Analyse the role and responsibilities of an IMCA

2.3 Summarise rights afforded to an IMCA within the Mental Capacity Act 2005

2.4 Prioritise a range of case work

2.5 Assess a range of potential challenges which IMCAs can face in practice

2.6 Resolve practice dilemmas

2.7 Evaluate the differences between IMCA and general advocacy

2.8 Assess and resolve conflicts of interest

2.9 Summarise the role of commissioners

2.10 Commit to using supervision

2.11 Signpost qualifying people to other services

3 Work with the decision maker 3.1 Identify the decision maker

3.2 Identify good practice in partnership working between the decision maker and the IMCA

3.3 Resolve a range of dilemmas and challenges which may be faced

3.4 Use referral processes which identify legal requirements for accepting a new client

3.5 Evaluate the correctness of the assessment of capacity

3.6 Identify the requirements for accepting referral when family are involved

3.7 Identify which IMCA service is responsible to represent an individual in different geographical areas

3.8 Respond to decision makers who do not practice partnership working

3.9 Present to decision makers on what an IMCA can contribute

4 Challenge decisions made by the decision maker

4.1 Map out the decision-making process within each area an IMCA may be involved

4.2 Raise concerns during the decision-making process

4.3 Highlight concerns after the decision is made

5 Work with people who lack capacity

5.1 Use a range of methods to communicate with people who lack capacity

5.2 Use non-instructed Advocacy to identify the wishes and preferences of people receiving IMCA support

5.3 Use strategies to work with people with dementia or learning disabilities

5.4 Ascertain the wishes and preferences of people who lack capacity

6 Work with accommodation and care review referrals

6.1 Research information and establish options

6.2 Evaluate the differences and similarities in a range of types of accommodation

6.3 Identify a range of possible care packages to enable people to stay at home

6.4 Assess the suitability of types of accommodation to individuals

6.5 Assess the impact the decision will have on the individual

6.6 Use a range of information sources to suggest alternative courses of action

6.7 Explain the function of a range of regulatory bodies

7 Work with serious medical treatment referrals

7.1 Summarise the criteria for serious medical treatment

7.2 Research and gather information

7.3 Assess the impact the decision will have on the individual

7.4 Use a range of information sources to suggest alternative courses of action

7.5 Obtain a second medical opinion where appropriate

7.6 Explain the importance of seeking a second medical opinion

7.7 Identify risks, benefits and ethical issues connected to medical treatments

7.8 Explain the process of referral in medical systems to access treatment

8 Work with adult protection referrals

8.1 Identify the different stages at which the IMCA may be instructed within adult protection procedures

8.2 Identify a range of situations where the IMCA may represent the individual during adult protection meetings

8.3 Analyse and use local and national adult protection procedures

8.4 Use the guidelines for IMCA in adult protection proceedings referrals

8.5 Research and gather information

8.6 Attend meetings where necessary

8.7 Identify a range of protection plans which may be formulated within adult protection strategy meetings

8.8 Summarise the issues involved in communicating with families in adult protection cases

9 Construct an Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy written report that meets statutory requirements

9.1 Identify a range of issues that should be addressed within an IMCA report

9.2 Identify what should never be in an IMCA report

9.3 Write an IMCA report

9.4 Identify good practice in recording case work

9.5 Explain the impact of data protection legislation on the recording of work

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