ACCA40630 Financial Statement Analysis, Nottingham Trent

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Financial Statement Analysis

You are required to include the word count as an accurate statement of the words used on the NBS Coursework Front Cover for your coursework. If you are found to have exceeded the word count in order to gain an unfair advantage, then your tutor can adjust your grade downwards depending on the amount of additional work submitted.

• If the additional work is up to 500 words, the overall grade for the piece of work will be reduced by 1 grade point (e.g. commendation-MID to commendation - LOW);
• If the additional work exceeds 500 words, the overall grade for the piece of work will be reduced by 3 grade points (e.g. commendation-MID to pass-MID).
• These penalties will be applied even if the reduced grade is below a pass grade.

You are advised to submit work that is as close to the maximum word count as is practical to enable you to demonstrate that you have met all the learning outcomes.

Assessment Brief


You have recently joined a successful financial advisory firm as a financial analyst. The financial advisory firm offers a range of services to its clients, including research and recommendation to private and institutional investors and lenders on the investment and credit potential of large UK listed firms.


You have been approached by your manager who oversees research on a number of firms, including your allocated case study company.They would like you to prepare a report on the investment potential of the firm.

You are required to conduct an in-depth analysis of the company's financial performance and position, using information from their annual report and other relevant sources of information. This analysis should conclude with a recommendation based on one of the following scenarios:

a) Should a loan application for the company be granted by its banks? or

b) Should an equity investor purchase the company's shares?

Attachment:- Financial Statement Analysis.rar

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