A/601/8980- HSC 3050 Prepare for and carry out extended

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Prepare for and carry out extended feeding techniques

Unit aim

This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the learner with the knowledge and skills required to prepare for and carry out extended feeding techniques to ensure individuals nutritional and fluid intake.

Outcome 1 Understand anatomy and physiology in relation to extended feeding

1. explain the anatomy and physiology of the gastro-intestinal tract in relation to extended feeding

2. explain the importance of fluid and nutritional balance to the health of individuals

3. describe conditions where feeding may be undertaken by extended methods.

Outcome 2 Understand extended feeding techniques

1. explain techniques for extended feeding

2. describe equipment and materials that may be used for extended feeding

3. describe ways to support an individual to prepare for extended feeding in a way that meets their individual needs and preferences

4. describe how to recognise and deal with adverse reactions which may occur

• during procedures

• following procedures.

Outcome 3 Understand legislation and agreed ways of working when using extended feeding techniques

1. explain legislation, protocols and agreed ways of working that affect working practices related to extended feeding

2. explain the importance of following procedures exactly as specified.

Outcome 4 Manage risks relating to extended feeding

1. identify potential risks associated with extended feeding

2. describe the potential sources and consequences of contamination

3. explain why it is important to

• maintain the correct level of cleanliness

• pack up used equipment and materials and cover receptacles containing body fluids prior to leaving the immediate area

4. apply standard precautions for infection prevention and control and other measures to minimise risks before, during and after the procedure

5. dispose of

• used equipment, materials and feeds

• body fluids including those aspirated prior to feeding in accordance with legislation and agreed ways of working.

Outcome 5 Prepare for extended feeding

1. ensure that adequate and relevant fluids, feeds and equipment are available

2. confirm the identity of the individual prior to carrying out the activity

3. obtain valid consent from the individual prior to carrying out the planned activity

4. confirm equipment and materials are

• appropriate to the procedure

• fit for purpose

5. position an individual to ensure safety and comfort and facilitate the method of extended feeding.

Outcome 6 Carry out and complete extended feeding techniques

1. attach and position feeding tubes correctly and securely in a manner that prevents discomfort and promotes the dignity of an individual

2. carry out extended feeding safely and according to the individual’s plan of care

3. observe an individual throughout the activity and respond to any adverse reactions

4. ensure the comfort of the individual following extended feeding.

Outcome 7 Maintain records and report on extended feeding

1. complete required records

2. identify others who may be involved in reviewing the nutritional and fluid intake of an individual

3. report any findings about the process and the individual which may have an impact on the care plan.

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