733N1 Accounting for Decision Makers, University of Sussex, UK
“in a digital world, the focus of the finance function is shifting from being based on costs to being based on organisational value.“
Reinventing Finance for a Digital World CGMA (Chartered Global Management Accountant)
Whitepaper January 2019
Critically discuss the effectiveness of management accountancy as a tool for adding value.
Your essay should focus on the challenges facing business when making and implementing decisions. The effectiveness of one or two key management accounting techniques and concepts should feature prominently in your work, as should academic and practical evidence to support or challenge how successfully the techniques achieve their aims.
Your essay should include consideration of the evolution management accounting in practice suggested in the quote above.
Guidance on how you may approach this assessment will be provided in the lectures and workshops.
Word count 1,500, excluding abstract, bibliography and appendices.
You should use the Harvard referencing system.