6017SSL Entrepreneurship and Innovation Assignment - Coventry University, UK
Assignment Title - Individual Written Report
This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
1. Critically evaluate key theoretical concepts underpinning technological change, innovation and entrepreneurship shaped by organisational, economic and social factors.
2. Explore and synthesize various options in technology/innovation policy and how these reflect different criteria used by different global stakeholders and entrepreneurs.
3. Critically analyze the individual characteristics and social forces associated with entrepreneurs and innovators, and the skills required to be an entrepreneur/innovator, how these can contribute to entrepreneurial success or failure.
This assignment is an individual assignment.
This assignment requires you to produce a 2000-word essay on your proposed solution to a challenge presented by one of the UN Sustainable Development goals. A good essay should clarify the development challenge by providing a clear problem statement. It should also identify whether an opportunity exists using the DIFA criteria and justify how this business opportunity can achieve the sustainable development goal.
Your work will be assessed by the following six criteria -
1. Introduction
2. Clarification of the Problem/ Development Challenge
3. Existence of a business opportunity
4. Justification and rationale for achieving the sustainable development goal
5. Use of resources and depth of research
6. Style, presentation and referencing.