Title of unit/s - Resourcing Talent
Unit No/s - 3RTO
Level - 3
CIPD Assessment Activity 3RTO
Learning outcomes: On completion of this unit, learners will:
1. Be able to explain the factors that affect an organisation's talent planning, recruitment and selection policy.
2. Be able to identify appropriate recruitment and selection methods.
3. Be able to contribute to the recruitment and selection interviewing process for a job role.
4. Understand the importance of effective induction.
Assessment Brief - Group Activity and Supporting Documentation
Using organisations with which you are familiar, assess the way in which they are able to resource talent to enhance their organisational success.
The word count for the individual tasks should be a total of approximately 1500 words.
The word count for group tasks should be equivalent to approximately 1000 words.
Individual Activity 1:
a. Using examples from the organisations you are considering, explain at least four organisational benefits of having a diverse workforce.
b. Identify and explain at least four factors that can affect an organisation's approach to talent planning.
c. Describe the key factors that can affect an organisation's recruitment and selection policy.
d. Describe at least three methods of recruitment, and three methods of selection that can be used in organisations, and when it is appropriate to use each of them.
Group Activity 1:
a. In an organisation, the receptionist has recently been promoted to an administration manager's position. There is now a vacancy for a receptionist in that organisation. Develop a job description and person specification the role of receptionist.
b. Select the most appropriate recruitment channel, and draft material to attract talented individuals to that role.
c. Develop selection criteria for the role, and (using applications ovided b our tutor shortlist candidates for an interview for the.
Group Activity 2:
a. Conduct at least one interview for the vacancy, and determine if a candidate is or is not suitable for the job. Each member of your group must ask the candidate(s) at least three questions and each must participate in making the selection decision.
b. Discuss in the group the records that should be kept following the interview, including issues relating to the legal requirements for retaining and storing all recruitment and selection documentation.
c. Provide two letters: one that could be used to appoint to the position and the other a non-appointment letter.
Individual Activity 2:
a. Explain at least three purposes of the induction process and the benefits to both the individual and the organisation.
b. Produce a list of areas to be covered by induction, and note the roles of others who should also be involved in the process.